
Thursday, August 30, 2012

You Will Never Know

I've recently spent five years of my life working at a super market posed as a Deli Assistant. What I was really doing? Collecting characters for a comic, although at first it was simply a way of calming down after a particularly annoying customer. It strange to think that these two will have absolutely no idea that I found them hilarious or agitating, and that after serving them, drew them onto a post-it notes which I pocketed. These post-its accumulated and now I'm writing them all into the comic I'm working on. It reminds me a bit of when I was in Japan. My friend Clinton and I were on a bullet train headed for Osaka when the train paused to let people off. The train was on a rail suspended high above a town, there where a few people walking far down below. "Watch this." Clinton said as he turned on his wicked super zooming camera and honed in on a Japanese girl, about our age, who was chatting to her friend far down below. He took a photo of her just as she cracked this gorgeous smile, before the train sped away. I have this photo. I am in New Zealand, in my room at my parents house and I have this photo. This does my head in. She could never know. These people I've drawn will never know. This scares me. How many photos are there of me out there? Or drawings? I hope I'm never dick enough to someone serving me who is really a cartoonist in disguise.

Moral of the story?
Don't be a dick
Bigger moral of the story
You will never know

EDIT: Clinton is not a creepy dude! He was showing off his powerful super awesome camera.
Really, I'm the creepy one for keeping the photo. So just so we're clear, Clinton = quite a cool dude. Becky = creepy cartoonist who will draw you if you piss her off

1 comment:

  1. this makes me seem kind of creepy. plus i don't remember taking that picture.....hmmmm. i will never know
