
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Beard Guy

Look! I drew a background! wooooo, go me. I like this one the best so far I think.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Paul Collins Eats Sushi

And so they had. The Paul went on to eat the entire village of helpless sushi rolls before his belly begged him to stop. He then burped loudly, "what a lovely village of sushi!" He chuckled as he lay down to have a big evil nap.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Blood Donation

Unfortunately I passed out soon after donating blood. If you're ever to faint, make sure its while you're with these guys. They'll take real good care of you and take your blood pressure half a million times. I'm not usually serious in these posts but I have to say that blood donations are probably the most important thing I've ever done so I encourage people to donate. Its not as bad as it sounds, they really love you for helping out and I'll be cheesy and say that it saves lives.

To relieve the seriousness of this post...Penis

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Mis-Adventures Of Me

And that is why a sea turtle or dolphin is now the proud owner of my brand new pair of sunnies. Although, the dolphin would have to have quite a small head to be able to fit them so I'm almost certain its a sea turtle.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Melaka Fray

I actually tried to draw for a change. This is a character from a comic I just finished. It was pretty cool. You don't even need to have read the other comics or watched the show.
Go read a book or a comic.
Do it.