
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Handmade, New Zealand made, Resin Toys

This is what I've been up to recently. Starting a whole new can of worms hobby! Design toys! Bottom of the pile again. Just to mix it up a little. I shall post some photos of my adorable little guys.

His name is Quadropus and I love him. There's also the moose which I've got a couple people painting custom faces on. That's you +Jeff Hunt and +Isaac Taylor, don't disappoint me now! :)

 Photography by +Siobhan Hunt 

Photography by +Siobhan Hunt 

My adorable little army. I plan on making them each a hand felted little scarf and selling them. Any ideas for a price I should sell them at? I want them to be affordable but I also need to be motivated to make them because it's quite a process. Pricing is always the hardest part for me.


  1. Casey Lee SuttonMay 8, 2013 at 5:02 PM

    They are adorable! As for pricing, how long does it take to make one, and how much does it cost to make one? I'd be perfectly happy paying $25-30 for one. Legitimately. I want one :p but that's just my rough guesstimate. They are super awesome.

  2. Thanks Casey! :D The initial set up to make them is quite expensive. Around $200. but after that I only have to pay for resin which is about $40 and makes about 8 Quadropus. Then I have to sand, hand paint and make their scarves. So it is quite a process. I'm thinking of making hats for them too. Awesome, I was thinking something around the $20-28 mark. Thanks heaps :)
    And my store will be up soon so you can totally have one. Mates rates even :D
